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Professional Pool Construction in Miami-Dade County, FL

The only way to beat the heat throughout the year in Florida is with a trip to the beach or cranking up the AC. However, if you want a more relaxing and exciting option, a new pool may be right for you. Creative Backyards offers new pool construction services for homeowners in Miami-Dade County, FL. If you’re tired of fighting for space on crowded beaches, why not build your own comfortable retreat in your backyard? We provide comprehensive pool installation services. Contact our team today to get started with a free project estimate.

Magnificent big house with glamorous pool in backyard

Complete Construction Solutions for Your New Pool

Choosing the right pool installation contractor is essential for ensuring a quality pool that is compliant with local regulations and stylish for your home. Owner Ric Gaydos has over 40 years of pool installation experience in Florida. So, when it comes to installing your pool, you can count on our team to deliver an exceptional finished product that matches your vision and is safe for use. Our complete construction services include:

  • Obtaining Necessary Permits in Your Town
  • Excavating the Land for Your Pool
  • Pouring the Concrete
  • Installing Additional Features

Discover the Benefits of Installing a New Pool

New pool construction is a significant investment in your home and your family’s happiness. Installing a pool is a great outdoor feature for children and adults. However, there are numerous additional benefits of installing a new pool, including the following:


Swimming is a low-impact way for children, adults, and seniors to stay active.


There is no better way to escape the summer heat than a relaxing dip in your pool.

Increased Home Value

Many homeowners prefer pools because of the comfort and fun it provides. Homes with pools sell for significantly more.


A pool becomes the focal point of birthdays, graduations, holidays, and family get-togethers.

Choose Us for Your New Pool Construction Service

When it comes time to install a new pool, we’re the team you can trust. Our team has been helping homeowners throughout Miami-Dade County, FL transform their homes into a fun and relaxing space to escape Florida’s year-round heat. Our experienced team has installed numerous pools based on each client’s particular needs. We use high-quality materials to ensure the finished product is stunning. Learn more about our pool design process, then contact us today for a free project estimate.

Paradise Awaits You in Your Own Backyard